When: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 | 10am
Where: Information Sessions are currently being held online only. Please continue to check the calendar for further updates. It is important to login before the start time of the session.
To Join the Info Session, please follow these 3 steps:
Step 1: Please call 718-389-3636 or email [email protected] to complete the digital application.
Step 2: Log into Zoom Meeting:
If you have access to a computer/smartphone: Click the Zoom Meeting link or copy-paste into your browser:
You may need to download the Zoom plugin, so please allow about 10 minutes to get set up.
Step 3: If you do not have access to computer audio:
Dial 646-558-8656
Enter meeting ID 929-110-9705#
No Participant ID is needed, just press #
If you have any questions please call 718-389-3636.
When: March 24, 2020 | 10:00 AM
Where: Information Sessions are currently being held online only. Please continue to check the calendar for further updates. Please follow the hyperlink to view Information Session Materials.
Before the Info Session:
Please follow the hyperlink to fill out this Registration Form
If you can’t access the form, please contact Libby DeLucia at 646-341-3051 or [email protected].
To Join the Online Info Session:
If you do have access to a computer or smartphone: Click or copy-paste this link into your browser: You may need to download the Zoom app, so please allow 10 minutes to get set up.
If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone: Dial 646-558-8656 and enter the meeting ID 415-288-2164#. No Participant ID is needed, just press #.
If you have any technical difficulty please email [email protected].
After the Info Session:
Please follow the hyperlink to fill out this Brooklyn Networks Application Form. This will complete your application to the program.
“Made in NY” Post Production Training Program Information Session
You may join our info session via a computer/smartphone, which will allow you to see the live presentation and use the chat function or you may join using only audio.
Follow these instructions join via computer/smartphone:
Click the Zoom Meeting link or copy-paste into your browser:
(You may need to download the Zoom plugin, so please allow about 10 minutes to get set up)
Follow these instructions to join via audio only:
Dial: 1-646-558-8656
Enter meeting ID: 842 313 424#
No Participant ID is needed, just press #
Join the thriving TV & Film Post Production Industry
– No RSVP is required to attend an information session
– Pease arrive on time (click on the Zoom link 10 minutes before the start time to work out technical issues) and be prepared to stay for 45-60 minutes.
– 21+ years of age | 6 months NYC residency
– Strong computer skills
– 6 months experience in Production Industry as Office/Set PA
– 2 year commitment to working in Post industry
BWI serves unemployed and low-income New Yorkers. We welcome all interested applicants to the “Made in NY” Post Production Training Program, and those who currently or recently experienced serious challenges finding or maintaining employment will be prioritized for enrollment.
“Made in NY” Post Production Training Program Information Session
When: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 1:00pm
Where: Information Sessions are currently being held online only. We will return to offering in-person Information Sessions as soon as possible.
To Join the Info Session:
If you have access to a computer/smartphone: Click the Zoom Meeting link or copy-paste into your browser:
You may need to download the Zoom plugin, so please allow about 10 minutes to get set up.
If you do not have access to computer audio:
Dial 646-558-8656
Enter meeting ID 379 786 149
Join the thriving TV & Film Post Production Industry
- No RSVP is required to attend an information session
- Please arrive on time (click on the Zoom link 10 minutes before the start time to work out technical issues) and be prepared to stay for 45-60 minutes.
- 21+ years of age | 6 months NYC residency
- Strong computer skills
- 6 months experience in Production Industry as Office/Set PA
- 2 year commitment to working in Post industry
BWI serves unemployed and low-income New Yorkers. We welcome all interested applicants to the “Made in NY” Post Production Training Program, and those who currently or recently experienced serious challenges finding or maintaining employment will be prioritized for enrollment.
“Made in NY” Post Production Training Program Information Session
When: Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 1:00pm
Where: Brooklyn Navy Yard, Building 92, Suite 200
For directions, click here.
Join the thriving TV & Film Post Production Industry.
- No RSVP is required to attend an information session
- Arrive on time. Doors open 30 minutes before the info session begins. Latecomers will not be admitted.
- Be prepared to stay for at least two hours
- 21+ years of age | 6 months NYC residency
- Strong computer skills
- 6 months experience in Production Industry as Office/Set PA
- 2 year commitment to working in Post industry
BWI serves unemployed and low-income New Yorkers. We welcome all interested applicants to the “Made in NY” Post Production Training Program, and those who currently or recently experienced serious challenges finding or maintaining employment will be prioritized for enrollment.
When: Thursday, March 12, 2020 | 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Where: 151 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY
Contact: (718) 237-4846
Red Hook on the Road helps unemployed New Yorkers start new careers in commercial driving. After four weeks of classroom and behind-the-wheel training, students are prepared to take the NYS Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) road test. Once licensed, Red Hook on the Road places graduates in a variety of jobs that move people and products throughout the city.
- 21 yrs or older
- Eligible to work in the US
- Live in NYC
- Qualify as low income, under or unemployed, and/or receive public assistance
- Absolutely no DWIs or DUIs
- Must have a valid NY State Driver’s License for at least two years and with one of the following three items (no combination of items A-C allowed):A) Four (4) points or fewerB) One (1) suspension (which has been cleared for at least two years)C) One (1) conviction showing on the driver record
- Must be able to pass a drug test
- Must dedicate to attending full-time training, Mondays to Fridays 8am-5pm
- Individuals with a criminal record are encouraged to apply
When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 | 10am-12pm
Where: 125 8th Street, Brooklyn (2nd Floor)
Brooklyn Woods offers five cycles per year and recruits for the next training cycle on a rolling basis. You do not need to pre-register to attend.
At the Information Session, you will fill out an application with your work history, get detailed information about the program, take a tour of the shop and take a reading, math and measurement test.
- Please bring a valid photo ID and a resume, if you have one.
- Please note that latecomers who arrive after 10 AM may not be admitted.
Brooklyn Woods is located at the BWI Sector Skills Center at 125 8th Street, between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
If you have any questions please call 718-389-3636.
“Made in NY” Post Production Training Program Information Session
When: Monday, March 10, 2020 at 1:00pm
Where: Workforce1, 9 Bond St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 – Check in with the front desk to be directed to the correct room.
Join the thriving TV & Film Post Production Industry.
- No RSVP is required to attend an information session
- Arrive on time. Doors open 30 minutes before the info session begins. Latecomers will not be admitted.
- Be prepared to stay for at least two hours
- 21+ years of age | 6 months NYC residency
- Strong computer skills
- 6 months experience in Production Industry as Office/Set PA
- 2 year commitment to working in Post industry
BWI serves unemployed and low-income New Yorkers. We welcome all interested applicants to the “Made in NY” Post Production Training Program, and those who currently or recently experienced serious challenges finding or maintaining employment will be prioritized for enrollment.
March 9, 2020 @ 1:00pm
“Made in NY” Production Assistant Training Program’s information sessions are held Mondays at 1:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in Building 92.
For directions, click here.
Guidelines and Requirements
- No RSVP is needed.
- Bring your résumé (if you have one). A production résumé is not required.
- Be prepared to stay for at least 3 hours.
- Arrive on-time: Latecomers will NOT be admitted and space is limited.
- Doors open at noon. No admittance prior to noon.
For more information, questions or concerns you may email us [email protected]. On Monday morning, call 718-237-2017 x145 and listen to the recorded message for information regarding info session cancellations and/or program updates.
“Made in NY” PA info sessions are followed by New York Drives info sessions for applicants who need assistance obtaining their driver’s licenses.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT an information session for the “Made in NY” Post Production Training Program.