When: Monday, January 27th, 2025 @ 1:00pm
Where: “Made in NY” Production Assistant Training Program’s information sessions are currently being held online only. Session opens at 12:45 pm. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter after 1:10 pm.
Info Session Registration Required
Before attending, please fill out an Interest Form to register for the “Made in NY” PA Info Session.
Trouble accessing the registration form? Copy-paste the following link into your browser: https://bwi.tfaforms.net/f/MINYPAinterest
On Monday @1pm:
Join the “Made in NY” PA Information Session
Via your computer or smartphone.
Click the following Zoom meeting link or copy-paste into your browser: https://zoom.us/j/88552369830
Meeting ID 885 5236 9830
If you do not have access to a computer, smartphone, or computer audio:
Join via phone, Dial 646-558-8656
Enter Meeting ID: 885 5236 9830
If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom meeting, you may need to download the Zoom plugin. Download the FREE Zoom Clients for Meetings application at https://zoom.us/download.
Please log into Zoom 10 minutes in advance to get set up.
If you experience any further technical difficulties, please email [email protected].
Join the thriving TV & Film Production Industry
• Please arrive on time (click on the Zoom link 10 minutes before the start time to work out technical issues) and be prepared to stay for at least 90 minutes.
• 18+ years of age | 6 months of NYC residency and legally eligible to work in the U.S.
• Available full-time during training, Monday-Friday (7:30am-6pm)
• 2-year commitment to working freelance production hours in the television & film industry after training
• A valid driver’s license is required to enroll in this program (out-of-state licenses are accepted)
*No driver’s license? Those without a driver’s license are welcome to attend an info session and apply. Applicants must be 18-29 years of age to be considered for the “Made in NY” PA Driver’s Education Scholarship. More details will be provided at the info session.
We look forward to meeting you!